A dataset ...
A data frame with 12 rows and 3 columns
Whether brook trout are present or absent
Number of PIT-tagged salmon released
Number of tagged salmon that survived and were detected downstream
Levin et al. 2002. Non–indigenous brook trout and the demise of Pacific salmon: a forgotten threat? PRSB 269. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2002.2063
Whitlock & Schulter. 2nd ed. Analysis of Biological Data.
## t-test on survival rate (ignores years) ### Calcualte survival brook_trout_ABD$surv <- brook_trout_ABD$salmon.surv/brook_trout_ABD$salmon.released ### t-test t.test(surv ~ brook.trout.PRES.ABS, data = brook_trout_ABD)#> #> Welch Two Sample t-test #> #> data: surv by brook.trout.PRES.ABS #> t = 0.93521, df = 5.8196, p-value = 0.3868 #> alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group absent and group present is not equal to 0 #> 95 percent confidence interval: #> -0.06739746 0.14977890 #> sample estimates: #> mean in group absent mean in group present #> 0.2352653 0.1940746 #>