A dataset on the nutritional composition of mammalian milk.
A data frame with 23 columns, including:
Taxonomic order
Taxonomic family
Mean mass of female
Duration of gestation in months (how long pregnant)
duration of lacation in months (how long until offspring weaned)
Total mass of litter (all offspring combined)
Number of offspring
Developemental stage at birth
Diet of organism
Does it live in a desert or other arid biome?
Type of biome
Number of...?
Dry matter content of milk
Fat content of milk
Protein content of milk
suger content of milk
energetic value of milk
refernece for original source of data on this species
Skibiel et al. 2013. The evolution of the nutrient composition of mammalian milks. Journal of Animal Ecology. 82:1254–1264 DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12095