This function randomly samples routes from within a stage.

  years = c(1990, 2000, 2005),
  aou.code = 7610,
  max.sample = 50



Dataframe containing BBS data. Must contain columns for Year, Aou species code and Route


Years for for which you want to generate data for


American Ornithological Union (AOU) numeric species code


Maximum number routes per year.


## Setting up dataframe to examine change over time ## Focal species: European starling (Aou code = 4940) ### Start with the raw BBS_PA dataframe ### The function sample_BBS_routes() ### randomly samples routes for years your specify. ### It selects routes from the entire state. ### Note: sample_BBS_routes() requires the Hmisc package to work ## Subset European starling data ### See help file for AOU_species_codes for further details ### on subsetting data based on a species numeric code if (FALSE) { BBS_PA_EUST <- BBS_PA %>% filter(Aou == 4940) ## select the years 1990, 2000, and 2010 BBS_PA_EUST_2 <- sample_BBS_routes(dat = BBS_PA_EUST, years = c(1990,2000,2010), aou.code = 4940) ## Look at data subset that has been created head(BBS_PA_EUST_2) summary(BBS_PA_EUST_2) ##Plot the results with a boxplot ggboxplot(data = BBS_PA_EUST_2, y = "SpeciesTotal", x = "Year") ## Save output ### data can be saved with write.csv(), eg: write.csv(BBS_PA_EUST_2, file = "starling_change_over_time.csv") }