Chapter 9 Course communication - Email and Canvas Messages

Announcements to the whole course via Canvas will occur typically on Friday afternoons. Other communication related to course administration will also occur via Canvas messages.

Your can message me on Canvas or email me at nlb24 at

Please include “Comp Bio” as the 1st thing in your email subject line with an informative bit of information as the “…”. e.g. “Comp Bio 2: problem accessing TopHat”. (Questions related to code are best submitted via GitHub).

If you use another email service as your primary email (eg GMail) please set your Pitt email to forward there.

For info on forwarding your Pitt email to your personal account follow this link:

I try to answer all emails received on weekdays before 5 pm within 24-36 hrs. Emails received after 5 pm will be answered at the earliest the following morning. Emails received on the weekend will be answered Monday.

Please consult this syllabus before asking questions about course policies and the schedule, and refer to relevant information such as URLs, subject headings or dates. Screengrabs are super helpful. If the entire answer to your question can be found in the syllabus I will likely respond by saying “This is in the syllabus, Cheers, Dr. B.”.

Questions relevant to the whole class may be re-posted (with identifying details removed) to Canvas.