Chapter 9 Chapter “Quantifying Scatter”



9.0.1 Motulsky vocab

9.0.2 Aditional vocab

9.0.3 Key functions


Chapter Notes

9.1 “Interpretting A Standard Deviation”

9.2 How It Works: Calculating SD"

9.3 “Why n-1?”

9.3.1 “When it somes makes sense to use n in the denominator”

9.3.2 “Why it usually makes sense to use n-1 in the denominator”

9.3.3 “The fine print”

9.4 “Situations in Which n Can Seem Ambiguous”

9.4.1 “Replicate measurements within repae experiments”

9.4.2 “Eyes, ears and elbos”

9.4.3 “Representaitve experiments”

9.4.4 “Trials with one subject”

9.5 “SD and Sample Size”

9.6 “Other Ways to Quantify & Display Variability”

9.6.1 “Coefficient of variation”

9.6.2 “Variance”

9.6.3 “Interquartile range”

9.6.4 “Five-number smmary”

9.6.5 “Median absolute deviation”

9.7 Q&A

Further reading


Annotated Bibliography