For overview read https://r-pkgs.org/data.html
This creates the folder /data-raw and adds a file DATASET.R
usethis::use_data_raw(name = "human_gene_lengths")
In this case I’m using data from Whitlock and Schulter’s 2nd edition of Analysis of Biological Data, downloaded from the book’s website https://whitlockschluter.zoology.ubc.ca/
This converts and R object into a .RData file that can be loaded with data().
If necessary it creates a data/ folder for the package.
usethis::use_data(human_gene_lengths, overwrite = TRUE)
All datasets need a .R file the goes in the R/ folder, along with any .R files that define functions.
usethis::use_r(name = "human_gene_lengths", open = T)
This is an opportunity though to provide full documentation for the dataset. A minimal helpfile could look like this:
#' Dataset helpfile header . . . #' #' Short description of data . . . #' #' @format A data frame with x rows and y column(s) #' \describe{ #' \item{column1}{Describe column here . . .} #' \item{column2}{Describe column here . . .} #' ... #' } #' @source \url{http://www.whereyougotthedata.com/"} #' "dataset_name"
You can also add additional things that appear in R help files such as full citation information and examples.
For other examples see https://github.com/hadley/babynames/blob/master/R/data.R
The function defined below can be used to build this helpfile template automatically. It is also found in my biodata package.
# Function to build template for dataset helpf file make_dateset_helpfile <- function(dataset, dataset_name = "temp"){ library(here) dataset <- human_gene_lengths dataset_name <- "human_gene_lengths" to_sink <- paste(dataset_name,"R",sep = ".") to_sink_with_dir <- here::here("R",to_sink) sink(to_sink_with_dir) cat("#' Dataset helpfile header . . .\n") cat("#'\n") cat("#' Short description of data . . . \n") cat("#'\n") cat("#' @format A data frame with ", dim(dataset)[1], " rows and ",dim(dataset)[2]," column(s)\n", sep = "") cat("#' \\describe{\n", sep = "") for(i in 1:ncol(dataset)){ colname.i <- names(dataset)[i] cat("#' \\item{",colname.i,"}{Describe column ",colname.i, " here . . .}\n",sep = "") } cat("#' }\n") cat("#' @source \\url{http://www.whereyougotthedata.com/}\n") cat("#'\n") cat("'",dataset_name,"'", sep = "") sink() }