Chapter 2 “DRAFT - Reading guide Chapter 2: Tree thinking & its importance in the development of evolutionary thought”

Chapter commentary

NOTE: this chapter has NOT been assigned as of 8/30/2019

2.1 Vocab summary

2.2 Notes

No figures or tables in this chapter require particular attention.

2.3 (Introduction)

  • [ladder thinking]

2.4 “Before Charles Darwin” (OPTIONAL)

This section is optional.

2.5 “Charles Darwin’s role in the development of tree thinking”

[common ancestry]

2.6 “Evidence for evolution and common ancestry”

  • separate ancestry
  • homologous features: This is a very important concept, though we will primarily think about it in terms of DNA, protein, etc.
  • [transitional fossils’
  • nested structure: A great analogy for understnading nested structure, aka “nestedness”, are Russina dolls which all fit inside each other. See
  • hierarchical structure: In human society hiearchies are common, eg the leadership structure of the military, feudal systems with kinds, barons, etc.
  • Consistency index (CI): This will be elaborated on in future chapters.

Figure 2.4 provides a visual explanation of homology. In this course we will typically talk about homologies at the macromolecular sequence level. Thinking in terms of homology at this molecular level might be a bit trickier.

2.7 “The emergence of phylogenetic systematics”

  • common descent
  • [phyletic series]
  • [phylogenetic systematics]

2.9 Chapter 2 Quiz

2.9.1 General biology questions:

The following questions are mostly relevant for intro biology students, but may be useful for computational biology students to review.

1, 2, 10, 12, 13, 14

2.9.2 Computational biology questions:


2.9.3 Interesting questions:

3, 6, 7, 15

2.10 Further reading

Similar ideas are discussed in these papers:

Baum et al. The tree-thinking challenge. Science

Baum and Offner. 2008. Phylogenics & tree-thinking. American Biology Teacher.