Assignment Introduction

Statistics is a dynamic and complicated topic, with new techniques constantly being developed and almost ubiquitous debate on the nuances of different procedures. Learning about statistics is much easier when it draws on examples that are personally interesting. Like most textbooks, Intutitive Biostatistics points readers to techniques that are generally considered most useful and for which there is consensus that they work, using a few focal example to demonstrate them. Usually these examples are medically related.

The goal of this assignment is to expand upon the book’s content by identifying and briefly summarizing web-based content that discuss statistical ideas from a different perspective. The output of this assignment will be an annotated bibilography entry which summarizes an online resource so that others can determine if they will find it useful (or if it might be over their head and they shouldn’t bother with it).

Frequently in my reading guide I will indicate if a topic is debated, if there are other methods available, etc, and may even provide links to blogs or quotes from podcasts. This is low-hanging fruit for completing the assignment - feel free to follow up on things I cite or quote.

Assignment objectives

Learning goals

After completing this assignment students should have a firm understanding of the assigned chapter in Intutitive Biostatistics and be able to identify, evaluate, and summarize related content on the internet. Students should also gain an appreciation for the types of statistical resources and commentary available on the internet.

Learning outcomes

Students will be able to

  • identify the most important ideas and topics in their textbook and briefly summarize a main idea or topic from the textbook
  • identify other resources related to the same topic and summarize them
  • describe how the book chapter and an external resources are related, similar, and different.

Suitable online resources

For a topic or method in a given chapter this could include resources such as

See the course website for lists of recommended bloggers, podcasts and websites.

Because the barrier of publication for online material is much lower than for peer-reviewed material, please email me with a proposed resource before completing the full assignment.

Suitable resources

The resources selected to complete the assignment should do at least one of the following:

The resource should not be

Again, please contact me before completing the assignment so I can approve your chosen resource.

Assignment Tasks

To complete this assignment, carry out the following steps:

The assignment can be submitted in 2 parts.

Characteristics of the selected resource

There are no restrictions on the resource you can use for your annotated bibliography entry. However, in general the goal is to provide additional, accesible resources which expands upon the content of the chapter. The resource should ideally be by a named, professional source or at least a graduate student. In some cases I may allow another kind of resource.

How to find a resource

Googling the topic you are working on will likely return something interesting. For example, I searched for “p-value podcast” and found several interesting looking results

Similarly, if you Google “p-value controversy debate” the first entry is “What a nerdy debate about p-values shows about science — and how to fix it” from, which I know is a good article (and whose author was featured on a podcast, though I can’t remember which one…). A little below that is “It’s Time To Stop Misusing P-Values” from (The second entry Google returns is actually from an academic journal, which you could use for completing the sibling assignment to this one).

I maintain lists of interesting web-based resources on the course website. If you look through these list you will probably find a good place to start.

Examples of completed assignments

Examples of completed bibliography entries can be found in the reading guide to Intutive Biostatistics.