Name: ____________________

Use this table to keep track of the 10 Reading reinforcement assignments you must complete over the course of the semester. To be counted for full credit a draft of the assignment must be turned in the week the reading was assigned.

df <- data.frame(dt)

Table continues below
1 Mini-project Annotated biblio - web resource ________________ _____
2 Mini-project Annotated biblio. - journal ________________ _____
1 Reading notes Vocab & Definitions ________________ _____
2 Reading notes Quiz questions ________________ _____
3 Reading notes ______________________________ ________________ _____
4 Reading notes ______________________________ ________________ _____
5 Reading notes ______________________________ ________________ _____
6 Reading notes ______________________________ ________________ _____
7 Reading notes ______________________________ ________________ _____
8 Reading notes ______________________________ ________________ _____
9 Reading notes ______________________________ ________________ _____
10 Reading notes ______________________________ ________________ _____
11 Reading notes ______________________________ ________________ _____
12 Reading notes ______________________________ ________________ _____
13 Reading notes ______________________________ ________________ _____
14 Reading notes ______________________________ ________________ _____
15 Reading notes ______________________________ ________________ _____
 #     col.names = dt[1,])%>%
 # kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover"))