Chapter 9 A guide to current swirl tutorials

Below are the names of the swirl tutorials which are most relevant to new R users, how to download them and the names of the units within each tutorial

9.1 Regression Models: The basics of regression modeling in R (Team swirl)


swirl::install_course("Regression Models")


  1. Introduction
  2. Residuals
  3. Least Squares Estimation
  4. Residual Variation
  5. Introduction to Multivariable Regression
  6. MultiVar Examples
  7. MultiVar Examples2
  8. MultiVar Examples3
  9. Residuals Diagnostics and Variation
  10. Variance Inflation Factors
  11. Overfitting and Underfitting
  12. Binary Outcomes
  13. Count Outcomes

9.2 Statistical Inference: The basics of statistical inference in R (Team swirl)


swirl::install_course("Statistical Inference")


  1. Introduction
  2. Probability1
  3. Probability2
  4. ConditionalProbability
  5. Expectations
  6. Variance
  7. CommonDistros
  8. Asymptotics
  9. T Confidence Intervals
  10. Hypothesis Testing
  11. P Values
  12. Power
  13. Multiple Testing
  14. Resampling

9.3 Exploratory Data Analysis: The basics of exploring data in R (Team swirl)


swirl::install_course("Exploratory Data Analysis")
  1. Principles of Analytic Graphs
  2. Exploratory Graphs
  3. Graphics Devices in R
  4. Plotting Systems
  5. Base Plotting System
  6. Lattice Plotting System
  7. Working with Colors
  8. GGPlot2 Part1
  9. GGPlot2 Part2
  10. GGPlot2 Extras
  11. Hierarchical Clustering
  12. K Means Clustering
  13. Dimension Reduction
  14. Clustering Example
  15. CaseStudy

9.4 Getting and Cleaning Data (Team swirl)


swirl::install_course("Getting and Cleaning Data")

Units 1: Manipulating Data with dplyr 1: Grouping and Chaining with dplyr 1: Tidying Data with tidyr 1: Dates and Times with lubridate

9.5 Advanced R Programming (Roger Peng)

swirl::install_course("Advanced R Programming")
  1. Setting Up Swirl
  2. Functions
  3. Functional Programming with purrr0

9.6 The R Programming Environment (Roger Peng)

swirl::install_course("The R Programming Environment")
  1. Setting Up Swirl
  2. Basic Building Blocks
  3. Sequences of Numbers
  4. Vectors
  5. Missing Values
  6. Subsetting Vectors
  7. Matrices and Data Frames
  8. Logic
  9. Workspace and Files
  10. Reading Tabular Data
  11. Looking at Data
  12. Data Manipulation
  13. Text Manipulation Functions
  14. Regular Expressions
  15. The stringr Package

9.7 Regular Expressions (Jon Calder)


swirl::install_course("Regular Expressions")


  1. Introduction
  2. Regex in base R
  3. Anchors
  4. Character Classes
  5. Groups and Ranges
  6. Quantifiers
  7. Applied Examples

9.8 A (very) short introduction to R (Claudia Brauer)


The author notes: >“Thiscourse is based on a non-interactive tutorial with the same name, which can be downloaded from The contents are the same (with a few exceptions), so you can open the pdf version alongside to look up how to do something you learned before or browse through the references on the last two pages.”

This tutorial has 3 modules. The first is introductory. The others get into more details tasks, such as sourceing .R file scripts.

9.9 R Programming: The basics of programming in R (team swirl)

  1. Basic Building Blocks
  2. Workspace and Files
  3. Sequences of Numbers
  4. Vectors
  5. Missing Values
  6. Subsetting Vectors
  7. Matrices and Data Frames
  8. Logic
  9. Functions
  10. lapply and sapply
  11. vapply and tapply
  12. Looking at Data
  13. Simulation
  14. Dates and Times
  15. Base Graphics

The key vocabulary, concepts and functions covered in this tutorial are:

  • programming language
  • variable
  • +, -, /, and ^
  • sqrt()
  • abs()
  • assignment operator
  • <-
  • help files
  • vector
  • c() function (“concatenate”, “combine”)
  • element wise operation (“element-by-element”)
  • recycling
  • vectorized operations (not discussed in those terms)
  • up arrow to view command history
  • tab completion (“auto-completion”)