TODO:write intro to package
Key quote:
“Research not incorporating prior seasons may misclassify mechanisms underlying individual variation in the season under consideration and numerical changes in populations. Furthermore, full annual cycle approaches are essential for interpreting potential effects of major stressors like climate change” Marra et al 2015 (Biology Letters)
Adahl E, Lundberg P, Jonzén N. 2006 From climate change to population change: the need to consider annual life cycles. Glob. Change Biol. 12, 1627–1633.
Small-Lorenz SL, Culp LA, Ryder TB, Will TC, Marra PP. 2013 A blind spot in climate change vulnerability assessments. Nat. Clim. Change 3, 91–93.
Marra et al 2015 (Biology Letters) “severe breeding season bias”: “Although there is enormous variation in annual cycles across vertebrate taxa, what is consistent is that the breeding period composes a relatively small proportion of the cycle.”
Breeding season typical only small part of year
Research biased towards breeding season Marra et al 2015 “we found a strong seasonal bias”
Most studies only study/(discuss?) organisms during a single season Marra et al 2015
Most studies don’t consider carry over effects (seasonal interactions) Marra et al 2015
Carry over: “Events occurring during one period often continue to influence individuals and populations during subsequent periods, profoundly influencing both ecological and evolutionary processes.” (Marra et al 2015 Biology letters)
“several studies illustrate how full annual cycle research is necessary to understand fundamental biology across multiple species groups (e.g. amphibians, reptiles , birds, mammals” (Marra et al 2015)
Touchon JC, McCoy MW, Vonesh JR, Warkentin KM. 2013 Effects of plastic hatching timing carry over through metamorphosis in red-eyed treefrogs. Ecology 94, 850–860
Hare KM, Caldwell AJ, Cree A. 2012 Effects of early postnatal environment on phenotype and survival of a lizard. Oecologia 168, 639–649
Morrissette M, Bêty J, Gauthier G, Reed A, Lefebvre J. 2010 Climate, trophic interactions, density dependence and carry-over effects on the population productivity of a migratory Arctic herbivorous bird. Oikos 119, 1181–1191. (doi:10.1111/j.1600-0706.2009.18079.x)
English S, Bateman AW, Mares R, Ozgul A, Clutton-Brock TH. 2014 Maternal, social and abiotic environmental effects on growth vary across life stages in a cooperative mammal. J. Anim. Ecol. 83, 332–342.