Equation 17: Build vector of Breeding ground abundances after pairing (B0)
eq17buildB0Vect(B.mc, B.mk, B.md, B.fc, B.fk)
B.mc | Abundance of males ("m") in source ("c") habitat on the breeding ground |
B.mk | Abundance of males in sink ("k") habitat on the breeding ground |
B.md | "Drain" males without territories in source or sink |
B.fc | Females in source habitat |
B.fk | Females in sink habitat |
B0 vector of breeding ground abundances after pairing of males and females
Runge, MC and PP Marra. 2004. Modeling seasonal interactions in the population dynamics of migratory birds. In Greenberg, R and PP Marra, eds. Birds of two worlds. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
eq17buildB0Vect(B.mc = 10, B.mk = 10, B.md = 10, B.fc = 10, B.fk = 10) #> [1] 10 10 10 10 10