Iterates a single parameterization of the Runge & Marra 2004 FAC model until equilbirium is reached. Typically the desired output is the equilibrium population size(s) and all intermediate output is discarded.
runFAC( iterations = 350, Ninit = c(10, 0, 10, 0), param.set = param_set(), scenario = NA, vary = NA, verbose = FALSE, check.errors = TRUE, = c("B0.RM", "P.cgg", "P.cgp", "P.cpg", "P.cpp", "P.kgg", "P.kgp", "P.kpg", "P.kpp", "Y1"), check.eq = TRUE, minimum.i = 20, eq.tol = 6, diagnostic.plot = F, return.output = T, save.ts = T, use.IBM = F, use.IBM.S.b = F, ... )
iterations | how many iterations of model to run before stopping |
Ninit | vector of initial abundances at the begining of winter for,, W.fg and W.fp |
param.set | initila parameters for this run of the model. |
scenario | character string representing name of scenario explored in original Runge and Marra paper (not currently implemented 7/10/2018) |
vary | ... |
verbose | verbose general output |
check.errors | Run error checks on model subcomponents | | run error checks and report |
check.eq | should equilibrium be assessed? |
minimum.i | number of iterations to run if equilibrium is being checked |
eq.tol | Tolerance for equilibirum check; the number of digistic lambda and variace of lambda should be rounded to when comparing against 1. Larger numbers reduce the likelihood of model passing the equilbirium check |
diagnostic.plot | Return a diagnostic plot show population size over time |
return.output | Output the full model dataframe? |
save.ts | Save the full time series of the model run? If FALSE then only final time point will be returned. Additionally, equilibrium monitoring will not be done and the time series cannot be plotted |
use.IBM | use individual based model for habitat and mate acquisition |
use.IBM.S.b | use IBM for summer adult survival |
... | other arguements passed |
runFAC.i A dataframe containing the status of the population at each time step for all parameters
Runge, MC and PP Marra. 2004. Modeling seasonal interactions in the population dynamics of migratory birds. In Greenberg, R and PP Marra, eds. Birds of two worlds. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
# Run an FAC test.FAC <- runFAC(verbose = TRUE) #> #> Model at equilibrium after 103 iterations # Look at structure of output str(test.FAC,1) #> List of 8 #> $ FAC.out.RM :'data.frame': 350 obs. of 48 variables: #> $ FAC.out.IB :'data.frame': 350 obs. of 42 variables: #> $ FAC.eq.state.RM :'data.frame': 1 obs. of 48 variables: #> $ FAC.eq.state.IB : logi NA #> $'data.frame': 350 obs. of 5 variables: #> $ param.matrices :List of 8 #> $ params.initial :'data.frame': 1 obs. of 30 variables: #> $ use.IBM : logi FALSE