Chapter 22 Cleaning and preparing FASTA files for analysis in R

This is a modification of “DNA Sequence Statistics” from Avril Coghlan’s A little book of R for bioinformatics.. Most of the text and code was originally written by Dr. Coghlan and distributed under the Creative Commons 3.0 license.

22.1 Preliminaries

We’ll need the dengueseq_fasta FASTA data object, which is in the compbio4all package. We’ll also use the stringr package for cleaning up the FASTA data, which can be downloaded with install.packages("stringr")

# compbio4all, which has dengueseq_fasta

# stringr, for data cleaning

22.2 Convert FASTA sequence to an R variable

We can’t actually do much with the contents of the dengueseq_fasta we downloaded with the rentrez package except read them. If we want do address some biological questions with the data we need is to convert it into a data structure R can work with.

There are several things we need to remove:

  1. The meta data line >NC_001477.1 Dengue virus 1, complete genome (metadata is “data” about data, such as where it came from, what it is, who made it, etc.).
  2. All the \n that show up in the file (these are the line breaks).
  3. Put each nucleotide of the sequence into its own spot in a vector.

There are functions in other packages that can do this automatically, but

  1. I haven’t found one I like, and
  2. Walking through this will help you understand the types of operations you can do on text data.

I have my own FASTA cleaning function in compbio4all, fasta_cleaner(), and the code below breaks down some of the concepts and functions it uses.

The first two steps for cleaning up a FASTAS file involve removing things from the existing character string that contains the sequence. The third step will split the single continuous character string like “AGTTGTTAGTCTACGT…” into a character vector like c("A","G","T","T","G","T","T","A","G","T","C","T","A","C","G","T"...), where each element of the vector is a single character a stored in a separate slot in the vector.

22.2.1 Removing unwanted characters

The second item is the easiest to take care of. R and many programming languages have tools called regular expressions that allow you to manipulate text. R has a function called gsub() which allows you to substitute or delete character data from a string. First I’ll remove all those \n values.

The regular expression function gsub() takes three arguments: 1. pattern = .... This is what we need it to find so we can replace it. 1. replacement = .... The replacement. 1. x = .... A character string or vector where gsub() will do its work.

We need to get rid of the \n so that we are left with only A, T and G, which are the actually information of the sequence. We want \n completely removed, so the replacement will be "", which is as set of quotation marks with nothing in the middle, which means “delete the target pattern and put nothing in its place.”

One thing that is tricky about regular expressions is that many characters have special meaning to the functions, such as slashes, dollar signs, and brackets. So, if you want to find and replace one of these specially designated characters you need to put a slash in front of them. So when we set the pattern, instead of setting the pattern to a slash before an n \n, we have to give it two slashes \\n.

Here is the regular expression to delete the newline character \n.

 # note: we want to find all the \n, but need to set the pattern as \\n
dengueseq_vector <- gsub(pattern = "\\n",  
                         replacement = "", 
                         x = dengueseq_fasta)

We can use strtrim() to see if it worked

strtrim(dengueseq_vector, 80)
## [1] ">NC_001477.1 Dengue virus 1, complete genomeAGTTGTTAGTCTACGTGGACCGACAAGAACAGTTTC"

Now for the metadata header. This is a bit complex, but the following code is going to take all the that occurs before the beginning of the sequence (“AGTTGTTAGTC”) and delete it.

First, I’ll define what I want to get rid of in an R object. This will make the call to gsub() a little cleaner to read

seq.header <- ">NC_001477.1 Dengue virus 1, complete genome"

Now I’ll get rid of the header with with gsub().

dengueseq_vector <- gsub(pattern = seq.header, # object defined above
                         replacement = "", 
                         x = dengueseq_vector)

See if it worked:

strtrim(dengueseq_vector, 80)

22.2.2 Spliting unbroken strings in character vectors

Now the more complex part. We need to split up a continuous, unbroken string of letters into a vector where each letter is on its own. This can be done with the str_split() function (“string split”) from the stringr package. The notation stringr::str_split() mean “use the str_split function from from the stringr package.” More specifically, it temporarily loads the stringr package and gives R access to just the str_split function. These allows you to call a single function without loading the whole library.

There are several arguments to str_split, and I’ve tacked a [[1]] on to the end.

First, run the command

dengueseq_vector_split <- stringr::str_split(dengueseq_vector,
                                       pattern = "",
                                       simplify = FALSE)[[1]]

Look at the output with str()

##  chr [1:10735] "A" "G" "T" "T" "G" "T" "T" "A" "G" "T" "C" "T" "A" "C" "G" ...

We can explore what the different arguments do by modifying them. Change pattern = "" to pattern = "A". Can you figure out what happened?

# re-run the command with "pattern  = "A"
dengueseq_vector_split2 <- stringr::str_split(dengueseq_vector,
                                       pattern = "A",
                                       simplify = FALSE)[[1]]
##  chr [1:3427] "" "GTTGTT" "GTCT" "CGTGG" "CCG" "C" "" "G" "" "C" "GTTTCG" ...

And try it with pattern = "" to pattern = "G".

# re-run the command with "pattern  = "G"
dengueseq_vector_split3 <- stringr::str_split(dengueseq_vector,
                                       pattern = "G",
                                       simplify = FALSE)[[1]]
##  chr [1:2771] "A" "TT" "TTA" "TCTAC" "T" "" "ACC" "ACAA" "AACA" "TTTC" ...

Run this code to compare the two ways we just used str_split (don’t worry what it does). Does this help you see what’s up?

options(str = strOptions(vec.len = 10))
## List of 3
##  $ : chr [1:20] "A" "G" "T" "T" "G" "T" "T" "A" "G" "T" ...
##  $ : chr [1:10] "" "GTTGTT" "GTCT" "CGTGG" "CCG" "C" "" "G" "" "C"
##  $ : chr [1:10] "A" "TT" "TTA" "TCTAC" "T" "" "ACC" "ACAA" "AACA" "TTTC"

So, what does the pattern = ... argument do? For more info open up the help file for str_split by calling ?str_split.

Something cool which we will explore in the next exercise is that we can do summaries on vectors of nucleotides, like this:

## dengueseq_vector_split
##    A    C    G    T 
## 3426 2240 2770 2299