14.1 Changing colors in R plots

14.1.1 Changing colors in R plots part 1

  • If we wanted we could change the color of the dots using the argument “col =”. This code can be used to change the color of most types of plots in R.
  • This doesn’t increase the information content of the figure but maybe makes it nicer to look at.
qplot(y = Sepal.Length,
      x = Species,    
        data = iris,
      color = "red") +
  xlab("Iris Species") +  
  ylab ("Sepal Length (mm)" )

14.1.2 Changing colors in R plots part 2

#dopt w/color changes
qplot(y = Sepal.Length,
      x = Species,    
        data = iris,
      color = Species) +
  xlab("Iris Species") +  
  ylab ("Sepal Length (mm)")