7.1 Introduction
Working in R is all about working with data. There are many ways to get data into R, and RStudio has some helpful tools for this process. In this exercise we’ll go over the common ways that data get’s brought into R and how to download external packages to get datasets and functions. These include data
- pre-loaded in R
- loaded in R “packages”
- typed into a script
- loaded from a spreadsheet using RStudio’s data import tools
- loaded from a spreadsheet using just R code
While discussing these various routes for data to get into R we’ll also talk a bit about how R works with data and learn data related vocab.
7.1.1 Functions
- head(), tail()
- summary()
7.1.2 Datsets
- datasets::iris
7.1.3 Packages
7.1.4 Key terms
- package
- dataframe