3.7 Other features of RStudio

3.7.1 Ajusting pane the layout

You can adjust the location of each of RStudio 4 window panes, as well as their size.

To set the pane layout go to 1. ”Tools” on the top menu 1. ”Global options” 1. “Pane Layout”

Use the drop-down menus to set things up. I recommend 1. Lower left: “Console”" 1. Top right: “Source” 1. Top left: “Plot, Packages, Help Viewer” 1. This will leave the “Environment…” panel in the lower right.

3.7.2 Adjusting size of windows

You can clicked on the edge of a pane and adjust its size. For most R work we want the console to be big. For beginners, the “Environment, history, files” panel can be made really small.