16.1 Introduction
16.1.1 Goals and objectives
Get to know the frogarms dataset and learn how to calculate summary statistics using basic R functions (eg summary() ) and also with the handy tools in the dplyr.
16.1.2 Outline
- Load packages and data
- Subset unique dataset
- Calculate summary stats on columns
- Use dplyr
- Calculate summary stats by groups using dplyr
16.1.3 Packages
- devtools
- wildlifeR (from GitHub)
- dplyr
16.1.4 Functions
- devtools::install_github
- wildlifeR::make_my_data2L
- dim, nrow, ncol
- head, tail
- names
- summary
- median
- min, max, range
- var, sd
- nrow, length (for sample size)
- dplyr::summarise, dplyr::summarize
- group_by
- dplyr::n