8.3 Downloading the wildlifeR package with install_github()

My github site is at https://github.com/brouwern and the code for wildlifeR is https://github.com/brouwern/wildlifeR. You can access the files directly if you want, but that isn’t necessary. We can download the package just like it was on CRAN using install_github(). You’ll probably see some red text and a LOT of black text as install_github() talks with GitHub.


Now we can put it all explicitly into memory

library(wildlifeR) # [ ] 

OPTIONAL: Accessing data from wildlifeR One of the datasets in wildlifeR is called “eggs.” It has data from a paper by Stoddard et al. (2017) in Science called [Avian egg shape: Form, function, and evolution.] (http://science.sciencemag.org/content/356/6344/1249). We can plot the relationship between egg asymmetry and ellipticity using the base R function scatter.smooth(), which draws a type of regression line through the data for us (Note that the syntax for scatter.smooth() is, sadly, different than plot() and other plotting functions…).

scatter.smooth(eggs$asymmetry, eggs$ellipticity)